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Solaris Urbino 12 electric #806
Autor: no future enRSS (0)
Dodano: 2024-03-17 20:00:01
Miejsce: Opole / Opolskie    Organizator: UM Opole     Linia: 3
Szerokość: 1400, Wysokość: 932
Rozmiar pliku: 354.77kB
16 marca 2024 - Opole, Pużaka St. As of today Opole has got 13 electric buses. 9 more dedicated to lines 3 and 11 are expected this autumn. Furthermore there are plans to launch a tender for additional 8 standard electric buses which should operate on lines 14 and 21. Dedicated charger will be placed on on Wschodnia terminus.
pl en gt
Tagi: ZWM elektryczny electric


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