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Timiş 2 TM69E #353

Timiş 2 TM69E #353

Wyprodukowany: 1989
Autor: dvigar enedytorRSS (0)
Dodano: 2011-05-09 10:15:28
Miejsce: Timişoara / Timiş    
Szerokość: 900, Wysokość: 500
Rozmiar pliku: 181.35kB
3 kwietnia 2011 - Timisoara (RO) – depoul/zajezdnia Dambovita. One of the last RATT Timis 2 cars in the Dambovita scrap line. This will never run again, but there seems to be no urgency in scrapping it. In fact, many trams have stood derelict here for years, just waiting to be scrapped. When the trolleybuses were replaced, the scrapline was cleared quite quickly, so why cannot the trams go, too? Now the other Timisoara depot is closed, there must be a severe shortage of storage space. The ex-Rheinbahn trailer (just behind) has been here for many years and probably never turned a wheel in Romania.
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