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Kravtex Credo BN12 #LRD-190

Kravtex Credo BN12 #LRD-190

Wyprodukowany: 2007     Zezłomowany: 2023
Autor: AaronPeto hucenzoredytorRSS (0)
Dodano: 2012-02-06 21:00:21
Miejsce: Győr / Győr-Moson-Sopron    Linia: 1
Szerokość: 900, Wysokość: 675
Rozmiar pliku: 264.34kB
6 lutego 2012 - Győr, Zechmeister utca. In the morning, the new information system crashed. Asa result of this the lectric displays didn't really work well, and only a few buses got plastic displays. The most buses had ran without any sign of their lines. On these buses the drivers informed the passangers through the outside speakers of the buses. Anyway there was a big chaos because a few lines route were chenged this day. BTW the writing on this bus is from Sopron and I haven't got any idea how on earth could the driver write out this, but at least this is more then nothing.
en hu gt
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