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Mercedes-Benz 519 CDI / CMS Auto #NV 67962
Autor: Øyvind Berg nbedytorRSS (820)
Dodano: 2014-08-03 13:09:02
Miejsce: Notodden / Telemark    Organizator: NOW    
Szerokość: 900, Wysokość: 600
Rozmiar pliku: 198.77kB
30 lipca 2014 - Kongsbergveien, Notodden. At 28th of July started a totally new route concept for Norway. The first ever intercity minibus route in Norway was started by Gjermund Jamtveit and his company NOW AS ("Norwegian on Wheels"). He is also the man who started the TIMEkspressen concept 17 years ago before he sold it to NSB/Nettbuss after just a year. The route is also the same as 17 years ago, from Notodden via Kongsberg and Drammen to Oslo. By December they will also go all the way to Oslo Airport (Gardermoen). In essence they go every 15 minutes between 05 and 20, and every hour between 20 and 05. They have a fleet of 20-seats Sprinters from CMS Auto in Poland.
en gt


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