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Ikarus 280.04 #2401

Ikarus 280.04 #2401

Wyprodukowany: 1988     Zezłomowany: 2015
Autor: mpelov bgRSS (0)
Dodano: 2015-11-06 20:51:28
Szerokość: 1200, Wysokość: 725
Rozmiar pliku: 691.05kB
20 października 2015 - Malashevtsi was the last depot where Ikarus buses operated. Until the 21st of June 2015, the last day in service and ultimate end of the Ikarus era in Sofia bus transport. After rusting in the depot for several months, the legendary buses are now being towed to a scrapyard near Sofia. Two units are going to be preserved - 2412 and 2427. They were transported to Druzhba depot for storage until their eventual restoration. On the picture: 2401, 2492 and 2496 await their ultimate fate. Very soon the tow truck will send them on their last journey to the scrapyard.
en gt


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