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Optare MetroCity #YJ15 AXF

Optare MetroCity #YJ15 AXF

Wyprodukowany: 2015
Autor: shedinagarden enRSS (0)
Dodano: 2017-06-02 22:10:42
Szerokość: 1400, Wysokość: 933
Rozmiar pliku: 605.13kB
2 czerwca 2017 - Sudbrooke Lane, Nettleham. Seen here arriving at it`s terminus and turning point prior to commencement of the 1100 to Lincoln is this PC Coaches Optare MetroCity (YJ15AXF). This vehicle was used on the temporary Lincoln Castle P&R service along with Solo SR`s and Wright Streetlites: some, if not all, of which have now been absorbed in to the PC Coaches service fleet, usurping older vehicles and allowing expansion in to Louth. Having had a ride on this yesterday, I was most impressed by the ride and build quality: it shames the Nottingham Community Transport BYD eBus I sampled the day before!
en gt
Tagi: UK


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