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Brill Saloon #10

Brill Saloon #10

Wyprodukowany: 1903
Autor: dvigar enedytorRSS (0)
Dodano: 2018-07-01 12:35:48.456455
Miejsce: Sintra / Lisboa    Organizator: Camara Municipal de Sintra    
Szerokość: 757, Wysokość: 1100
Rozmiar pliku: 108.42kB
21 marca 2010 - Portugal, Ribeira de Sintra: Still poking around the Sintra Electrico depot, here is a photo of an enclosed Brill trailer that hasn`t featured before on TWB. Like all the other original trams on this system, it came from Philadelphia, USA in 1903. Trailers aren`t often used now on the Sintra-Atlantico line, because the condition of the track and the steep gradient make it rather a nightmare for modern Health and Safety officers.
en gt


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