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AEC Regal IV RF #RF600

AEC Regal IV RF #RF600

Wyprodukowany: 1953
Autor: dvigar enedytorRSS (0)
Dodano: 2018-07-18 12:57:02
Szerokość: 1400, Wysokość: 966
Rozmiar pliku: 142.54kB
13 kwietnia 2014 - Cobham, UK - Brooklands: An example of the large RF class of single deck buses introduced in London in the early 1950s to replace just about all the odds and ends from the 1930s which were non-standard and life expired. The RF came in three main types - the Central London (red) version (which to begin with had no door but just a rather scary open front entrance)and two green variants, normal Country bus and longer distance Green Line coach, with better seats and higher speed gears.
en gt


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Styl forum: [URL=https://phototrans.pl/14,934977,0,AEC_Regal_IV_RF_RF600.html][img]https://phototrans.pl/images/photos/original/90/934977.jpg[/img][/URL]
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