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Duewag GT6 #53

Duewag GT6 #53

Wyprodukowany: 1962
Autor: dvigar enedytorRSS (0)
Dodano: 2018-08-24 13:18:19
Miejsce: Innsbruck / Tirol    Linia: 6
Szerokość: 1400, Wysokość: 1041
Rozmiar pliku: 430.61kB
14 maja 2007 - Innsbruck, AT - Muhlsee: Another amazing tram route from Innsbruck is the very scenic Igls line 6, shown here with Duewag car #53 calling at Muhlsee, a little halt in the mountains. Line 6 only offers an hourly service and runs just in the summer months, the area often being under deep snow in winter. This 1962 tram originally came here from Bielefeld in Germany, worked in Innsbruck until 2008 and was then taken back to Bielefeld as a museum piece.
en gt


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