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DAF SB220 / Den Oudsten B88 #A 1586 BM

DAF SB220 / Den Oudsten B88 #A 1586 BM

Wyprodukowany: 1990     Zezłomowany: 2018
Autor: Metzgermeister5 enRSS (0)
Dodano: 2008-05-23 19:00:16
Szerokość: 768, Wysokość: 697
Rozmiar pliku: 94.95kB
kwiecień 2008 - Burgas, Bulgaria. A 1586 BM on his new job - the village line 16, where it now spends most of its time in service, driven by the ex-drivers of an Ikarus 260, which was also purposed for this line earlier. The drivers are father and son and live in one of the villages that the line passes through. The father's name is Kondyo and all the passengers know him as well as he knows them. This bus is in service only in weekdays - otherwise other buses drive on the line. Now all Den Oudstens go to the villages and left the city lines in the beginning of April. They are replaced on the city lines by circa 10 Mercedes O405N. P.S. The picture is taken in the Meden Rudnik district.
en bg gt
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