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Konstal 5N1 #337

Konstal 5N1 #337

Wyprodukowany: 1961
Autor: dvigar enedytorRSS (0)
Dodano: 2011-06-05 18:03:53
Miejsce: Łódź / Łódzkie    
Szerokość: 900, Wysokość: 500
Rozmiar pliku: 185.07kB
27 maja 2011 - Lodz (PL) - Tramwajowa. A charter tour that turned out to be quite eventful. Turning into Tramwajowa so we could park the tram in the MPK works yard, we met another tram coming in the opposite direction. Behind us, Tomek's Sanok had already turned into the street, too. So, we went forward, through the gates and on to the old track triangle, which probably hasn't been used for a very long time. The new occupants of the area (sold by MPK some time ago) were very surprised to see us!. Later in the tour, we derailed the Sanok - but that's another story.
en gt


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