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Solaris Urbino 12 CNG #962

Solaris Urbino 12 CNG #962

Wyprodukowany: 2013
Autor: Mettal ltedytorRSS (794)
Dodano: 2017-07-18 18:33:13
Miejsce: Vilnius / Vilniaus apskritis    Organizator: VVT Vilnius     Linia: 48
Szerokość: 1200, Wysokość: 800
Rozmiar pliku: 285.42kB
21 maja 2017 - Vilnius, P. Žadeikos gatvė. 2 bidders were announced today for tender to deliver 150 brand new buses to Vilnius. These 2 bidders are Solaris and official MAN representative "Adampolis". Winner will have to deliver 100 standard and 50 articulated buses without exceeding 40.5 million euro cost.
In the autumn, joint venture of "Transrevis" and Latvian "B-Bus" will gradually start running city bus routes with 100 new medium size and articulated buses.
Tender for at least 40 new standard length trolleybuses was announced recently, with expectation to receive them within 2 years.
Today also the first of 15 ex Oslo articulated MAN Lion`s city GL`s were delivered to bus depot and several Volvo 7700A CNG`s ex Malmo (Sweden) were seen in Klaipėda, just on their way to Kaunas.
lt gt
Tagi: Made in Poland CNG


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