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Devon General

Informacje o przewoźniku

NazwaDevon General
SkrótDevon General
Atrybuty przewoźnika
Inne informacjeDevon General Omnibus and Touring Company was formed in 1919 operating in the Exeter area. The company was bought by Torquay Tramways in 1922, part of the National Electric Construction Company (NECC). In 1931 the NECC was absorbed into the British Electric Traction Group. The motor bus operations of British Electric Traction became part of the National Bus Company in 1969.
In 1970 Exeter City Council transferred it`s bus operations to Devon General. In 1971 Devon General`s bus operations fell under the management of Western National, but the Devon General name was retained.
In 1983 Western National`s operations were split into four separate operations, Devon General being one of them. This operated in south and east Devon.
In 1986 it was the first National Bus Company operation to be privatised. In 1992 the bus operation around Torbay and Newton Abbot was split into a separate operation known as Bayline. In 1996 both Devon General and Bayline were sold to the Stagecoach Group.

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Lista pojazdów

Aktualna flota

Historyczna flota

Numery taboroweNazwa modeluProducentNadwoziePodwozieSilnikSkrzynia biegów
Wprowadzenie do ruchuRok wycofaniaZdjęcia
23 AEC Reliance / Park RoyalPark RoyalAEC Reliance1965?
Zobacz wszystkie
73 Mercedes-Benz 709 D / Plaxton BeaverPlaxtonPlaxton BeaverMercedes-Benz T2 Mk II 7xx (669)Mercedes-Benz OM 364 [364.906/912]19881996Nie ma zdjęcia0/1
2883 Leyland NationalLeylandLeyland National19801992Nie ma zdjęcia0/1