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Mercedes-Benz O530G II #80

Mercedes-Benz O530G II #80

Wyprodukowany: 2007
Autor: FiF-SW deRSS (0)
Dodano: 2023-06-07 20:08:30.528519
Miejsce: Schweinfurt / Bayern    Organizator: -     Linia: 62
Szerokość: 1400, Wysokość: 1069
Rozmiar pliku: 525.97kB
23 maja 2023 - Bus No. 80 (SW-VD 80) of Stadtwerke Schweinfurt GmbH ex KVG Kiel Bus No. 872 (KI-EL 7872) on timetable measurement run of line 62. This is a special shot, as the bus is otherwise only used for school-only trips. The vehicle was completely repainted in the Stadtwerke colors at the front and rear. The sides received only the green roof strip and the typical blue sill. The rest of the side wall retains the KVG shade of red. The KOM will probably soon be foiled with rump advertising.
en de gt


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