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Volvo 7700 #781

Volvo 7700 #781

Wyprodukowany: 2006
Autor: Mettal ltedytorRSS (794)
Dodano: 2013-07-02 12:26:23
Miejsce: Vilnius / Vilniaus apskritis    Organizator: VVT Vilnius     Linia: 1G
Szerokość: 1024, Wysokość: 768
Rozmiar pliku: 298.07kB
1 lipca 2013 - Vilnius, Stotis. New route 1G operates from 2013-07-01 and is part of 6 route shuttle bus network. This route replaced 5th trolleybus and 26th bus. Bus stops only on selected stops but schedule is so tight that all but 6G were late at least 10 minutes during rush hours. 2G is the most extreme of all - delays during daytime are approximately 10 minutes, during evening rush hour - at least 20 min. All but 6G routes run at 6-10 min intervals while 6G - 7-15 min. During weekend intervals vary from 8 to 15 minutes. All routes for 2 weeks will be serviced only by Volvo 7700, 7700A (only during rush hours on 2G, 4G, 5G and 6G), MAN Lion`s City NL273 CNG and Mercedes-Benz Citaro.
en gt


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