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МАЗ 103075 #В 475 НУ 186
Autor: krivichiliya enedytorRSS (0)
Dodano: 2021-06-28 15:47:37.279709
Szerokość: 1200, Wysokość: 721
Rozmiar pliku: 467.81kB
26 czerwca 2021 - Nizhnevartovsk, Loparev street. One request, please - don`t show this photo to Greta Thurnberg! She`ll oh how can be angry after seeing the dark soot from the tailpipe of this bus... By the way, why this MAZ has the tailpipe goes to the roof, it`s was made so that in frosts visibility on the roads did not deteriorate.
en ru gt
Tagi: Dark soot Грязный выхлоп


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