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Van Hool AG280T #11

Van Hool AG280T #11

Wyprodukowany: 1988
Autor: dvigar enedytorRSS (0)
Dodano: 2009-07-14 12:32:58
Miejsce: Gent / Vlaanderen    
Szerokość: 800, Wysokość: 600
Rozmiar pliku: 208.31kB
12 czerwca 2009 - Gent (BE) – Meersemdries. At the southern terminus of the only trolleybus line, in a quiet side road. Line 3 was mostly a back-street operation and the trolleybuses only reached the centre of the city quite briefly, as if they were apologising for being there. I think de Lijn weren’t very keen to have them, either - for long periods, the trolleybus line was operated only by diesel buses, and the few trolleybuses that ran used their auxiliary diesel engines with the poles down. Now, of course, it’s only diesel buses – hardly a good advertisement for clean, sustainable electric power.
en gt
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