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Uerdingen 1927 #8

Uerdingen 1927 #8

Wyprodukowany: 1927
Autor: HKN dkedytorRSS (0)
Dodano: 2016-05-16 21:43:12
Szerokość: 1300, Wysokość: 883
Rozmiar pliku: 393.83kB
Tilsit, Am Hohen Tor (Пл. Ленина). Due to financial difficulties the Hagener Straßenbahn sold all vehicles of the 1927 delivery from Uerdingen (Hagen nos. 87-96) in 1934-1935. 6 vehicles were taken over by the ESTAG in Tilsit (nos. 7-12). This photo was taken between 1935 and 1938. The track for the route to Kallkappen (closed on 17 October 1937) is still seen at the bottom left.
en gt


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