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Krauss a Companie AG, Linz #MMC.16

Krauss a Companie AG, Linz #MMC.16

Wyprodukowany: 1910     Zezłomowany: 1957
Autor: edofr91 itedytorRSS (305)
Dodano: 2019-05-07 15:18:00.075213
Miejsce: Milano / Lombardia    
Szerokość: 1150, Wysokość: 840
Rozmiar pliku: 438.78kB
1945 - Milano, Corso Vercelli, an urban tram meets a steam locomotive of the Milan - Magenta tramline. The line was the last steam urban tram line in operation in Milano. The terminus station was inside a courtyard. The tramway was famous in Milan with the nickname of "wooden leg". From 1939 the service was managed by the municipal company until its closure in 1957. Author: unknown https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Milano,_corso_Vercelli_(tram)_01.jpeg
en gt


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