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Adtranz C20 #2162

Adtranz C20 #2162

Wyprodukowany: 2001
Autor: ac75 seRSS (0)
Dodano: 2021-06-28 00:07:58
Miejsce: Stockholm / Stockholm    Organizator: SL Stockholm    
Szerokość: 1100, Wysokość: 736
Rozmiar pliku: 234.88kB
24 czerwca 2021 - Stockholm, Högdalen. C20 2162 is one of the C20 that has been renovated with new furnishings. On the outside, it is noticeable on the wheelchair decals and a white dot on the windscreen (which can be seen on the car to the left). The number of seats has decreased and monitors showing the next stations have been installed.
en se gt


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