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Hägglund M23 #331

Hägglund M23 #331

Wyprodukowany: 1949
Autor: ac75 seRSS (0)
Dodano: 2021-09-30 23:18:28
Miejsce: Stockholm / Stockholm    Organizator: SL Stockholm    
Szerokość: 1100, Wysokość: 825
Rozmiar pliku: 206.51kB
22 września 2021 - Stockholm, Alkärret. SS A31 331 outside the depot in Alkärret. The wagon was manufactured as M23 18. Between 1948 and 1952, 60 M23 were manufactured with numbers 1 to 60. In 1956, three wagons (61 - 63) were bought from Gävle. The wagon type was taken out of service in 1975. Since 1991, they can be seen at Djurgårdslinjen in Stockholm as type A31.
en se gt


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