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Konstal 805Na #244

Konstal 805Na #244

Wyprodukowany: 1984
Autor: dvigar enedytorRSS (0)
Dodano: 2009-03-14 20:54:14
Szerokość: 800, Wysokość: 600
Rozmiar pliku: 218.21kB
2 lipca 2007 - Torun – Sienkiewicza. The open air ‘depot’ at Torun. Because the depot is so small, trams have to be stored here in the street outside (and also at Merinotex loops overnight). You can see where the line has been cut just in front of car 244 to form a siding – there must once have been a double track junction here, but now only one line is in use.
en gt


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