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Jelcz M121M #4864

Jelcz M121M #4864

Wyprodukowany: 1998
Autor: Jacek Pudło pledytorRSS (1)
Dodano: 2010-12-08 21:33:59
Miejsce: Warszawa / Mazowieckie    Organizator: ZTM Warszawa    
Szerokość: 750, Wysokość: 500
Rozmiar pliku: 132.40kB
1 grudnia 2007 - Warszawa, Białobrzeska street. Being aware of competition, Jelcz created a low-floor model in 1994. To make the design as fast as possible and the bus - the cheapest one - an existing construction of Jelcz 120M was converted into a low-entry model. The front part was reconstructed, and rear part - saved with major changes. This is how Jelcz M121 was created. It was equipped with vertical MAN D0826 or Mercedes OM447hla engine and automatic gearbox of ZF or Voith. The axle was almost the same as in Jelcz 120M, the suspension was modified. This bus, manufactured in about 400 pieces, was the most popular low-floor model in Poland in late 1990s. The model was upgraded in 2005 and last vehicles were built in 2007, with different exterior design and new engine.
en gt
Tagi: ZTM Warszawa 150


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