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AEC Regent III/Weymann #RLH23
Autor: dvigar enedytorRSS (0)
Dodano: 2013-04-30 11:33:31
Szerokość: 900, Wysokość: 500
Rozmiar pliku: 177.26kB
21 kwietnia 2013 - Brooklands, Surrey (GB) – London Bus Museum. The annual rally of London buses this year took place at the new Museum site. Amongst those buses attending was this immaculate RLH23, an AEC Regent of 1952 with a Willowbrook lowbridge body. London Transport operated 76 of these vehicles on routes where standard height double deck buses could not run. The ‘lowbridge’ layout involves a sunken gangway on the offside upstairs with long seats for four people – if you were unlucky enough to be sitting on the nearside, you maybe had to ask three people to move before you could get off! The offside downstairs was also very low, because of the upstairs gangway, so you had to take care not to crack your head when you got up to leave. Despite these drawbacks, these buses ran until the early 1970s.
en gt


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Styl forum: [URL=https://phototrans.pl/14,621016,0,AEC_Regent_III_Weymann_RLH23.html][img]https://phototrans.pl/images/photos/original/568/621016.jpg[/img][/URL]
HTML: <a href="https://phototrans.pl/14,621016,0,AEC_Regent_III_Weymann_RLH23.html"><img border=1 src="https://phototrans.pl/images/photos/original/568/621016.jpg" alt="Taken from transport.wroc.biz"></a>