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Volvo B10M-60 / Aabenraa M82 #5
Autor: HKN dkedytorRSS (0)
Dodano: 2015-04-08 19:51:49
Miejsce: Herlev / Hovedstaden    Linia: 165
Szerokość: 1300, Wysokość: 854
Rozmiar pliku: 284.15kB
marzec 1992 - København, Therkildsens Ruter no. 5 (left) and no. 9 (right) at Herlev Station in March 1992. Under the new contrants with the HT from 1 April 1990 the private operators were obliged to insert all new vehicles in the standard yellow livery of the HT. No. 5 is still in the traditional blue colur, which had previsously been applied by Terkildsen. Therkildsen operated the routes 165 and 167 until 1994.
en gt


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