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Ikarus 280.04 #2216

Ikarus 280.04 #2216

Wyprodukowany: 1987     Zezłomowany: 2015
Autor: mpelov bgRSS (0)
Dodano: 2015-06-06 11:12:49
Szerokość: 1200, Wysokość: 800
Rozmiar pliku: 463.34kB
30 maja 2015 - All Souls` Day is a day of prayer for the dead. It is typical for the Eastern Orthodox Church and occurs several times during the year. In Bulgaria there are usually 4 All Souls` Days and they all fall on Saturday. According to the tradition, on this day people go to the graves of their deceased relatives, pour them with wine, put flowers and light candles. Then they give away boiled wheat to other people for the peace of their relative`s soul. Priests make prayers for the departed. In order to ensure normal transportation to and from the cemeteries in Sofia on All Souls` Day, the public transport company launches 6 additional bus and 2 additional tram lines. The additional lines are marked with -A to differ them from the regular lines with the same number and they serve only a part of the regular line`s route which goes near a cemetery. In this case 79 and 79A serve the Central Sofia Cemetery. On the picture: 2427 on line 79 meets 2216 on line 79A on Iliyantsi blvd. Line 79A goes only to Iliyantsi blvd. while regular 79 continues to Voenna rampa industrial zone. Four days later 2216 was decommissioned and currently awaits to be dismantled and cut.
en gt
Tagi: 79 79А


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