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Škoda 14Tr10/6 #6310

Škoda 14Tr10/6 #6310

Wyprodukowany: 1991
Autor: Lada 2101 deRSS (76)
Dodano: 2017-04-23 19:59:22
Miejsce: Bratislava / Bratislavský kraj    Organizator: BID Bratislava     Linia: 203
Szerokość: 1400, Wysokość: 933
Rozmiar pliku: 594.38kB
20 kwietnia 2017 - Bratislava, Koliba terminus. One of two last Škoda 14Tr in Bratislava, which only operate in night service on line 203 and later on N44 and N47. The first service starts at 19:23 pm at Búdková terminus, the second at 19:53 pm. The end of their jouney is nearly at 4 am in the morning.
On saturdays you can find the last two Škoda 15TrM of DP Bratislava on these two night courses.
de ru en sk gt


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