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Commer Shooting Brake #EC 634
Autor: dvigar enedytorRSS (0)
Dodano: 2018-06-15 16:58:52.256877
Miejsce: Crawley / South East England    Organizator: Private owner    
Szerokość: 1400, Wysokość: 946
Rozmiar pliku: 376.31kB
7 maja 1989 - Station Way, Crawley, UK: Something for the weekend? Just the thing to keep at home for bus spotting trips, perhaps, is this Commer estate bus dating from 1909 (so almost 110 years ago, or nearly as old as me). It was originally the property of the 5th Lord Lonsdale and used at his extensive estate in Cumbria, then found use as a hotel bus in Buckinghamshire. It was found in a country barn in 1955 and extensively restored, as can be seen here. Apart from the solid tyres (which make the ride a bit bumpy) it`s a lovely thing. Note the chain drive.....
en gt


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