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Ganz-Hunslet KCSV6-S1 #505

Ganz-Hunslet KCSV6-S1 #505

Wyprodukowany: 1997
Autor: dvigar enedytorRSS (0)
Dodano: 2018-06-22 21:19:44.45786
Szerokość: 1400, Wysokość: 932
Rozmiar pliku: 331.93kB
23 kwietnia 2015 - Debrecen, tramway depot: One of the 1997-built series production of Ganz-Hunslet articulated trams which run in Debrecen. I have noticed several small detail differences between the appearance of these and the 1993 prototype, #500. Both Ganz (once the most important Hungarian tramway builder) and Hunslet (who built, amongst other things, the subway cars for the City of Glasgow) have now closed down.
en gt


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