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Regent #63
Autor: dvigar enedytorRSS (0)
Dodano: 2018-07-19 17:36:00
Szerokość: 1400, Wysokość: 932
Rozmiar pliku: 303.19kB
13 kwietnia 2014 - Cobham, UK - Brooklands: A few more shots from the 2014 annual bus and coach gathering at the London Bus Museum. Here is a very nice 1939 AEC Regent I with a Weymann highbridge body, originally supplied to the Brighton, Hove and District undertaking, next to another Regent from the Ipswich fleet. BH&D were an interesting outfit - Brighton had its own buses, painted in an identical colour scheme, sharing some routes with BH&D and working others alone. There were also trams (later trolleybuses) run almost entirely by Brighton Corporation and the large Southdown bus company was also a major player. So, one town and three bus operators! This particular bus was exported to California, USA between 1965 and 198, but brought back to the UK for preservation.
en gt


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