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AEC Regal IV RF #RF433
Autor: dvigar enedytorRSS (0)
Dodano: 2018-07-21 16:34:34
Szerokość: 1279, Wysokość: 848
Rozmiar pliku: 168.65kB
2 maja 2010 - Redhill, UK - Brighton Road: Running to Brighton on a very wet May holiday in 2010 is this member of the very large RF class of London single deckers. Built in 1953, this particular example is one of many in preservation, but is only one of two still surviving that never had doors, being completely open at the front. This was because the Metropolitan Police in London objected to a door being fitted as being unsafe (not nearly as unsafe as not having one at all, I think!) Anyway, like many Central area RFs, it operated like this throughout its long career.
en gt


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