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Be4/4 #724

Be4/4 #724

Wyprodukowany: 1951
Autor: dvigar enedytorRSS (0)
Dodano: 2018-11-09 17:48:56
Miejsce: Sibiu / Sibiu    Linia: 26
Szerokość: 1400, Wysokość: 1053
Rozmiar pliku: 545.06kB
29 września 2008 - Sibiu, Romania - Calea Dumbravii: The tramway from Sibiu to Rasinari runs for the most part alongside the roadside - it once went a little further but has now been cut back to a zoo and folk museum at the city limits. Ex-Geneve tram 724 is shown en route to Rasinari, passing one of the local residents. Even when the tramway was in public service, there were so few journeys that most travellers had changed to the bus, which ran frequently along exactly the same route but had the added benefit of going right into Sibiu city centre.
en gt


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