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Duewag GT6 #855

Duewag GT6 #855

Wyprodukowany: 1966
Autor: dvigar enedytorRSS (0)
Dodano: 2018-11-12 16:39:40
Szerokość: 1400, Wysokość: 1050
Rozmiar pliku: 173.87kB
21 lutego 2010 - Alexandria, Egypt - One of the fleet of almost one hundred Deuwag GT6 trams that came here from Copenhagen when the system there closed. These trams have given very good service in the demanding conditions of Alexandria city and are still kept on the road with limited resources in the APTA workshops. For instance, just about every Duewag in the fleet now has a different window arrangement, using parts from the scrap bin. Here, #855 carries a typically heavy load on what is, at many places, quite dreadful track which would derail a more modern and less forgiving tram.
en gt


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