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МАЗ-103Т #4444

МАЗ-103Т #4444

Wyprodukowany: 1999
Autor: dvigar enedytorRSS (0)
Dodano: 2018-10-13 16:59:37
Szerokość: 1400, Wysokość: 787
Rozmiar pliku: 402.53kB
15 września 2018 - Minsk, Belarus - Transport Museum: A set of photographs showing the vehicles displayed at the new museum recently opened by the Minsk bus and tram operator. I don`t know if this place is yet open to the general public. I must also point out that I can`t translate the Cyrillic script and language from the informative labels on each vehicle and I have perhaps listed some under the wrong operator - sorry! I`m on safer ground with this one, though - an MA3-103T trolleybus built by the local Belkommunmash factory in 1999 and only quite recently withdrawn from operational service.
en gt


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