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Siemens Combino Duo #202

Siemens Combino Duo #202

Wyprodukowany: 2003
Autor: dvigar enedytorRSS (0)
Dodano: 2018-12-20 16:27:55
Miejsce: Nordhausen / Thüringen    Linia: 10
Szerokość: 1400, Wysokość: 1050
Rozmiar pliku: 458.17kB
27 lipca 2004 - Nordhausen, Germany - Oskar-Cohn-Strasse: A reason for tram enthusiasts to visit this small system in 2004 was the brand new tram-train operation along the metre gauge Harzquerbahn railway for 110km to the village of Ilfeld, operated by three Combino trams in both electric and diesel modes. Here we see dual mode #202 working away from the wires on a linking track between the tramway and the adjacent railway. On its journey, the tram will share tracks with both diesel and steam trains and even obey semaphore signals along the way.
en gt


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