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Чавдар 141 #A 9660 BH

Чавдар 141 #A 9660 BH

Wyprodukowany: 1996     Zezłomowany: 2013
Autor: Metzgermeister5 enRSS (0)
Dodano: 2012-12-23 11:29:07
Szerokość: 768, Wysokość: 611
Rozmiar pliku: 98.39kB
17 listopada 2012 - As I already mentioned when I posted the previous photo, me and a few another public transportation enthusiasts rented the bus for a sort of a farewell trip to Sozopol. Just as we were about to enter Sozopol, we asked the driver (who also happens to like his bus and hates the fact that it's going to be scrapped) to stop, so we can take a picture of it outside the town.
bg en gt
Tagi: komórkowiec


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