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Trent Barton/

Scania L94UB / Wright Solar #625

5 maja 2011 - Lotnisko East Midlands.
Autor: Szeryf

Scania L94UB / Wright Solar #634

19 listopada 2011 - Leicester St. Margarets Bus Station. Główny dworzec autobusowy.
Autor: Szeryf
Komentarze: 4

Scania L94UB / Wright Solar #650

22 marca 2010 - Nottingham (UK), Upper Parliament Street.
Autor: straszny

Scania L94UB / Wright Solar #662

4 lipca 2015 - East Midlands International Airport, Bus Station.
Autor: SebGre

Scania L94UB / Wright Solar #663

4 lipca 2015 - East Midlands International Airport.
Autor: SebGre

Scania L94UB / Wright Solar #665

4 lipca 2015 - East Midlands International Airport.
Autor: SebGre

Scania L94UB / Wright Solar #668

3 marca 2014 - East Midland International Airport
Autor: Marcin Łańko (su44)

Scania L94UB / Wright Solar #678

19 maja 2014 - Greyfriar Gate, Nottingham. TrentBarton have a myriad of liveries and colour schemes. Each route, group of routes or areas have their own brand, but of course some vehicles are kept in a generic livery so they may operate on any route without looking out of place. Such an example is this vehicle, carrying a message that using buses is cheaper than using a car.
Autor: shedinagarden

4 lipca 2015 - East Midlands Airport, Viscount Road.
Autor: SebGre

Fotogaleria Transportowa

Autobusy KMKM

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