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Stagecoach East Midlands/

Alexander Dennis Enviro 400 #19072

21 lipca 2014 - East Street, Nettleham. Stagecoach have a mixture of Scania/Enviro400 and all-Alexander Dennis Enviro400s branded for InterConnect work in Lincolnshire. Here is an example of the latter, which started life in Manchester.
Autor: shedinagarden

Alexander Dennis Enviro 400 #19124

17 maja 2014 - Broadgate, Lincoln. With much better weather than my last visit, I couldn`t resist recreating a photo with the massive and beautiful cathedral in the background. However, this time I went one step further and waited for this particular vehicle, which Stagecoach have painted in this vivid livery. The livery is particularly apt here as it is a stylised version of the county flag of Lincolnshire.
Autor: shedinagarden

Komentarze: 1

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