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Dennis Specialist Vehicles Ltd./

Dennis Dart / Duple #TJ 836

5 kwietnia 2009 - Surrey, UK - Cobham: An interior view of the 1930 Dennis Dart shown in my last photo, showing the lovely, comfortable moquette seats - very cosy! This is typical of the way people travelled in coaches during the 1930s onwards.
Autor: dvigar
5 kwietnia 2009 - Surrey, UK - Cobham: Attending a preserved bus rally in 2009 was this lovely Dennis Dart coach of 1930 with a Duple 20 seat body and 6-cylinder petrol engine. Dennis is still making buses today and even has a current Dart model, although it is a vary different vehicle to the one shown here! This coach was supplied new to an operator in Morecombe, Lancashire and later worked for several owners, until finally being re-purchased by the Dennis company who built it.
Autor: dvigar
Komentarze: 1

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Autobusy KMKM

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