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Private Owner (preservation)/

Leyland Titan PD2 #4031

5 maja 2013 - Redhill, Surrey (UK) - Brighton Road. The huge Midland Red bus company (also known as the Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Company, or BMMO) operated throughout the English Midlands and built lots of its own buses to very advanced designs in its own workshops. This particular bus wasn’t home made, however, but came ready-built from Leyland, although to a BMMO design – much as AEC built the LT-designed Routemaster buses for London.
Autor: dvigar

Leyland Titan PD2 #786

7 kwietnia 2009 - Surrey, UK - Cobham: all these green and cream painted buses are from the old Southdown Motor Services fleet, a historic company that ran buses and coaches all along the south coast of England and is fondly remembered by enthusiasts. The bus nearest the camera is a Leyland Titan PD2/12 of 1956 with a H59RD body by Beadle, one of over 100 supplied to Southdown but now the only survivor. Note the rear doors - all Southdown buses were very well kept and had good features that made them popular to passengers.
Autor: dvigar

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