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Tatra T3SU #1267


NazwaTatra T3SU
(Tatra) /Tatra T3 (4xČKD TE 022 40kW/54HP) 23-110 [2-0-2 or 2-2-2] (1963-1987)
Numer zabudowy
19822022ДЕТ Дніпро
Numery taborowe
Wprowadzenie do ruchu Rok wycofania Numery taborowe
198220221267 / ДЕТ Дніпро


4 września 2008 - Dnipropetrovs’k, vulitsya Tramvayna (Tramway Street). This backstreet in the Vorontsovskiy district is almost entirely seized by the tram tracks. Apart from the four parallel tiny steel stuffs, this kind of road surface is still default in the abandoned outskirts of the ex-USSR cities. Despite of this, the street seems to be respected by motorists, apart from the trams only bicycles and pedestrians can be seen here. A tram on route no. 9 poses on the picture as heading from the „Myasokombinat” (Meat-packing plant) terminus, with a train consisting of two Czechoslovak-made T3’s. It’s speed at 30-35 km/h is relatively high - if we count the bad condition of the tracks.
Autor: pacman

Komentarze: 6

Fotogaleria Transportowa

Autobusy KMKM

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