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Graz Haller #2


NazwaGraz Haller
(Graz) /Graz Haller -30 [1-0-1] (1909-1909)
Numer zabudowy
?TMB Innsbruck
19091941LBIHiT Innsbruck
1941?IVB Innsbruck
Numery taborowe
Wprowadzenie do ruchu Rok wycofania Numery taborowe
?2 / TMB Innsbruck
190919412 / LBIHiT Innsbruck
1941?2 / IVB Innsbruck
Inne informacje
Owned by IVB, operated jointly by IVB and TMB


14 maja 2007 - Innsbruck, Austria. Wagon historyczny nr 2 (ex-Stuibatalbahn) i doczepki 111 i 104 (ex-Mittelgebirgsbahn) w pieknych lasach sosnowych nieopodal Tantegert na trasie linii 6 z Igls. Przejazd specjalny zorganizowany przez wolontariuszy Museumsbahnen. Ciezka ich robota, ale ktos musi ja wykonac! Tlumaczenie: straphan
Autor: dvigar
14 maja 2007 - Innsbruck (AT) – Mulhsee. …..and this is why the Muhlsee stop isn’t much used! It’s situated on a mountain side, with no buildings to be seen in any direction! This is a special trip with museum trams, but the normal tram service also comes here.
Autor: dvigar
Komentarze: 1

14 maja 2007 - Innsbruck (AT) – Igls, Lanser Strasse. A 1904 Graz-built tram of the Stubaitalbahn, drawing two trailers.
Autor: dvigar
14 maja 2007 - Innsbruck (AT) - Tantegert. The tram is dwarfed by the huge pine forest along Line 6.
Autor: dvigar
14 maja 2007 - Innsbruck, AT - Muhlsee: Line 6 of Innsbruck Tramways twists and turns up into the mountains with hardly a building in sight on its way to the village of Igls. Here is the lonely halt at Muhlsee with a 1904 Graz tram from the local tram museum passing on a special trip. Only the occasional hiker is picked up here! The tram originally came from the Stubaitalbahn, the other village interurban which runs out of Innsbruck and which, unlike this line, is served all year round.
Autor: dvigar
14 maja 2007 - Innsbruck, AT - Muhlsee: Deep in the huge pine woods, 1904 Graz-built tram #2 heads towards Innsbruck on a charter trip from Igls along Line 6.
Autor: dvigar

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