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Ikarus 280.64 #A 0492 BA


NazwaIkarus 280.64
(Ikarus) (Rába D2156HM6U 141kW/192HP 10350cm3) (Csepel S6-90U(6)) 37 [2-2-2-2] (1985-1995)
Numer zabudowy
1990БургасБуc Бургас
Numery rejestracyjne
Wprowadzenie do ruchu Rok wycofania Tablice rejestracyjne
20052009A 0492 BA
Б 1395 ПБ
А 2026 Т


26 czerwca 2008 - Burgas, Bulgaria. Ikarus 280 on the line number 211. Throughout the years these buses have become a symbol of that line, like it or not. The picture is taken on the Ivan Vazov street and more pacifically, in the part of it, which was reasphalted a few months ago. In the last months there is an intensive work in the fortifying of the street. BTW, I haven't noticed that there are no lamps on the polls until I took the photo :]
Autor: Metzgermeister5

Komentarze: 3

Fotogaleria Transportowa

Autobusy KMKM

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