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Scania L94IB4x2NB / Vest Contrast 12,8m #127


NazwaScania L94IB4x2NB / Vest Contrast 12,8m
(Vest) Scania L94IB/Vest Contrast (Scania DC9 06 300 (CRT) 221kW/300HP 8974cm3 E3) [1-1-0, 1-2-0] (2004-2006)
Numer zabudowy3705
20062019Telemark Bilruter Seljord
20192020Glomset Turbuss Ålesund
Numery rejestracyjne
Wprowadzenie do ruchu Rok wycofania Tablice rejestracyjne
20062020UA 26557
Numery taborowe
Wprowadzenie do ruchu Rok wycofania Numery taborowe
20062019127 / Telemark Bilruter Seljord


18 października 2007 - Kviteseid, Kviteseidvegen. Passing me in a lovely autumn weather.
Autor: Øyvind Berg
Komentarze: 3

19 grudnia 2007 - Kviteseid, bus station. Despite -10 C and very little sunlight for photographing, waiting for this bus to come to take a photograph of it was well worth it. Then going indoor again to a warm house and transfering the photos to the computer is even better.
Autor: Øyvind Berg
Komentarze: 4

4 maja 2010 - Kviteseid, Kviteseidgata.
Autor: Øyvind Berg
22 października 2010 - Kviteseid, Dalanvegen. In front the remains of this winter's first snowfall, that came yesterday evening. Also, today came the sad news that Vest Buss in Stryn are closing down their production of buses, and by that the history of bus building in Norway is coming to an end. Somehow this has been expected, as Norway is a true "high-cost country". Anyhow, they have for some years begun development of carbon fibre buses, but that technology is several years down the line when and if they ever make it.
Autor: Øyvind Berg
Komentarze: 2

30 marca 2013 - Kviteseid, Kviteseidvegen. Distance from camera to bus: 1,5 km.
Autor: Øyvind Berg
Komentarze: 15

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Autobusy KMKM

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