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Brill (Carris) #283


NazwaBrill (Carris)
(Brill) /Brill tram
Numer zabudowy
1902Carris Lisboa
Numery taborowe
Wprowadzenie do ruchu Rok wycofania Numery taborowe
1902283 / Carris Lisboa


20 marca 2010 - Lisboa (PT) – Praca do Comercio. Like me, this tram doesn’t get out much. It normally lives in the Carris museum and only comes out on very special occasions – and only when it isn’t raining (this isn’t so much for the tram’s benefit, but because the drivers don’t like getting wet!). It’s an original Brill summer car from 1902 and now the only one remaining.
Autor: dvigar
20 marca 2010 - Lisboa, Cais do Sodre: The impressive `toastrack` tram, now the last one remaining in Lisboa, on a rare trip outside its normal home in the Carris museum. These summer trams were built by Brill of Philadelphia, USA and shipped to Portugal in 1901. This tram had a very lucky escape - withdrawn from service in the early 1950s, it spent almost the next twenty years as a plaything in a city park until rescued for preservation in 1981. It is only used on sunny days (probably not because of the risk of rain damage, but because the drivers don`t like getting wet....)
Autor: dvigar

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