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SSW / Siemens E-lok #3


NazwaSSW / Siemens E-lok
(SSW) /Technical Locomotive
Numer zabudowy
19181995OTL Oradea
Numery taborowe
Wprowadzenie do ruchu Rok wycofania Numery taborowe
191819953 / OTL Oradea
Inne informacje
Freight locomotive - ex Bingen Nebenbahnen, Germany #12


2 kwietnia 2011 - Oradea (RO) – depoul/zajezdnia Salca. A real surprise this time was to find depot staff just completing a very smart, cosmetic restoration of a second of their three old tramway locomotives. It’s intended to place this on display somewhere in the city centre (although the depot manager is a little sceptical of this plan, fearing it may get damaged). The third locomotive (#4) has been moved from the rear of the adjoining bus depot into the tram depot yard, so hopefully this will also receive some attention in due course. You can see the condition of #3 in 2008 in the little thumbnail picture I took on my last visit. How nice to see these historic locomotives being rescued.
Autor: dvigar
5 października 2013 - Nagyvárad, December 1. tér
Autor: Kóródy Ádám

Fotogaleria Transportowa

Autobusy KMKM

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