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Walker/Schuckert bogie tram #254


NazwaWalker/Schuckert bogie tram
(Miscellaneous) /Miscellaneous vehicles
Numer zabudowy
1904Schlesische Kleinbahn Katowice
1904OKEW Chorzów
Numery taborowe
Wprowadzenie do ruchu Rok wycofania Numery taborowe
1904254 / Schlesische Kleinbahn Katowice
1904254 / OKEW Chorzów
Inne informacje
785mm gauge


1922 - Katowice – Rynek. The publisher of this German-period postcard has kindly labelled everything for us, so it needs little explanation from me. Schlesische Kleinbahn Walker car #254 stands at the terminal point outside the theatre. Narrow gauge trams finished here because in Friedrichstrasse were standard gauge tracks and the two didn’t meet.
Autor: dvigar
1939 - Beuthen (Bytom) – A-H Platz. Today’s historic picture is from Bytom when it was still a German city and shows trams of two gauges side-by-side. The tram on the right is a standard gauge Linke Hoffmann car (built in 1913 at their factory in Goerlitz for the Bytom tramway company - Stadische Strassenbahn Beuthen or SSB), whilst on the left a 785mm gauge Walker car of the original Oberschlesische Kleinbahnen fleet turns the corner. By this time, the narrow gauge lines were operated by Schlesische Kleinbahn. This was once a town full of these 1900s buildings - very different now…….. Fot: Hermann Reinshagen.
Autor: dvigar
Komentarze: 5

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