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Leyland Routemaster RML #RML3


NazwaLeyland Routemaster RML
(MCW) Leyland Routemaster/London Transport RM (1956-1957)
Numer zabudowy
19571974LT London
1974LBPT Cobham
Numery rejestracyjne
Wprowadzenie do ruchu Rok wycofania Tablice rejestracyjne
1957SLT 58
Numery taborowe
Wprowadzenie do ruchu Rok wycofania Numery taborowe
19571961RML3 / LT London
19611974RM3 / LT London
19742004RM3 / LBPT Cobham
2004RML3 / LBPT Cobham
Inne informacje
Third Routemaster prototype. Bodywork by Weymann of Addlestone (the only Routemaster from this factory).


5 kwietnia 2009 - Surrey, UK - Cobham: Preserved Bus Heaven at Cobham.....
Autor: dvigar
Komentarze: 1

3 maja 2009 - Redhill (UK) – Brighton Road. One of the four original Routemaster prototypes – the front panels are different from the production version. This one was built by Leyland and not by AEC. It was the first Routemaster to be preserved.
Autor: dvigar
Komentarze: 1

13 kwietnia 2014 - Cobham, UK - Brooklands: On display at the London Bus Museum is the prototype Leyland (and not AEC) Routemaster of 1957. Note the different front end treatment and non-opening front windows upstairs. This bus entered service in January 1958 but was withdrawn after an accident in November 1959 - apart from short periods as a driver training bus, this was the extent of its operational life. It was obtained by the bus museum in 1974, being the very first Routemaster to be preserved.
Autor: dvigar
12 lipca 2014 - London, Endymion Rd. Prototyp Routemastera z silnikiem Leylanda i zabudową Weymann. Oznaczenie RML w tym przypadku oznacza RouteMaster Leyland; kilka lat później zostało przyjęte do oznaczenia wydłużonej wersji pojazu - RouteMaster Lenghtened.
Autor: rm

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