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Rössemann & Kühnemann BEVV #7061


NazwaRössemann & Kühnemann BEVV
(Rössemann & Kühnemann) /Technical Freight tram
Numer zabudowy
19261949BEVV/BSzKRt Budapest
19491968FVV Budapest
1968BKV Budapest
Numery taborowe
Wprowadzenie do ruchu Rok wycofania Numery taborowe
192619497061 / BEVV/BSzKRt Budapest
194919687061 / FVV Budapest
19687061 / BKV Budapest
Inne informacje
Goods tram. Built by BSzKRt on chassis from Roessemann & Kuhnemann.


27 września 2009 - Budapest (HU) - Kamaraerdei ut. The little display at the Line 41 terminus last weekend included one of the celebrated BKV ‘Muki’ goods locomotives, still quite a familiar sight on the city’s tramways for transporting equipment and materials and shunting duties.
Autor: dvigar
27 marca 2011 - Budapest (HU) – depot/zajezdnia Ferencvaros. Deep in the sheds of this old depot are a number of treasures – several ‘Muki’ works cars and lots of withdrawn UV Type trams, most of which will never run again. This is also the operating base for some of the BKZ museum trams.
Autor: dvigar
Komentarze: 2

28 marca 2011 - Budapest (HU) – Orz Vezer Tere. BKV Budapest operates a number of these distinctive 4-wheeled tram locomotives from 1926-7, known as ‘Mukis’, used for a variety of works purposes including towing broken-down trams. Some are specially equipped for snow clearing. Most of their activities seem to be at night and they are therefore tucked away in depots during daylight hours. On 28 March, two Mukis suddenly appeared at Zuglo depot ‘topping and tailing’ two old UV trams being brought there for storage. An unusual Muki ride was soon arranged! Off we rode to the main tramway workshops at Orz Vezer Tere, where to our amazement two more Mukis were standing. All four Mukis were coupled together, and off they all went, probably to Ferencvaros depot – a FOUR CAR Muki train!
Autor: dvigar
Komentarze: 3

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