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Herbrand E-Lok #2


NazwaHerbrand E-Lok
(Herbrand) /Technical Locomotive
Numer zabudowy
1910AVG Karlsruhe
Numery taborowe
Wprowadzenie do ruchu Rok wycofania Numery taborowe
19102 / AVG Karlsruhe
Inne informacje
Metre gauge. Displayed as a monument in Karlsruhe.


8 sierpnia 1956 - Karlsruhe (DE) – Albtalbahn Bahnhof, Kreigsstrasse. Yes, the Albtalbahn, Jim, but not as we know it – this was over fifty years ago. Until 1957, the Albtalbahn was a metre gauge electric light railway from Karlsruhe to Bad Herrenalb, worked in part by these Bo-Bo electric locomotives of 1901. The passenger train waiting to leave the old Karlsruhe terminus at Kreigsstrasse includes goods wagons. When the Albtal company failed, the city of Karlsruhe stepped in, bought the line and converted it to a standard gauge interurban tramway with Duewag trams that included toilets - this was the start of the ‘tram train’ concept, pioneered here in Karlsruhe. The locomotive still exists today as a monument to the old line (photo: S Zimmer).
Autor: dvigar
Komentarze: 5

Fotogaleria Transportowa

Autobusy KMKM

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